Succesful models (Buftea)

Immediately after I finished high school, in 1999, I got a job as an electrician in the Media PRO studios in Bucharest. Because I finished an electric profile, the only possibility was to get a job as an electrician. My dad has been pointing me in that direction ever since I was a high schooler, to choose to become an electrician.

EducOm Together: Iasmina Împușcatu

One of the voices of the evening was also Iasmina împușcatu, a student at the Technological High School "Cezar Nicolau", Brănești, which we discovered within the debate club and who captivated us from the first by the way she talks about the things she believes in.

Booklet of successful models

This booklet was created to inspire big and small people with true stories about those who can be our friends, neighbors, colleagues or even family. We invite you to discover the stories of the successful people from five localities of Ilfov County: Brănești, Buftea, Pantelimon, Sintești-Vidra, Tunari.
