

Crafts Camp: Day 4

The fourth day at the Paper Mill we entered the stitching workshop, where we created our first personalized bookmarks: with florist and traditional motifs.

Crafts camp: Day 3

Day 3 the Paper Mill was about the rush workshop. Working with the rush is, perhaps, the most characteristic craft for Comana. Residents of the area have used, since ancient times, these water-loving plants in the household: for mats, papornites or braided baskets.

Crafts Camp: Day 2

Day 2 at Comana, in the village of Crafts. On August 2nd we spent our time in the workshop "Papermaking", where we created a sheet of paper for the most beautiful memories. Then, we stopped at the workshop that taught us to create our first notebooks.

Theater play at the Gymnasium School No. 3, Sintești-Vidra

he 10th of June came with a lot of emotions (and excitement) from the kids from the Gymnasium School No. 3, Sintești-Vidra. The children have Rehearsed in recent months, together with the coordinating teachers, "Take, Ianke and Cadîr", a show about three business friends of different ethnicities, who are upset by the visit of Ionel, son of Take and Ana, daughter of Ianke .

Theater play at the Gymnasium School No. 4, Buftea

The corridor, the classroom, the teachers' lounge and the school yard were transformed on May 31st into a film set for the students of the Gymnasium School Nr. 4, Buftea. The students became teachers for an hour, police officers, priests, fishermen and mayors for the play "The Search", for which they rehearsed in recent months, under the coordination of teacher Madalina Bratu.

Theater play at the Gymnasium School No. 1 Pantelimon

On May 27th we shouted once again "Action!" to our partner schools! This time, in Pantelimon, at the Gymnasium School Nr. 1. The students prepared the play under the coordination of teachers Marius Bogdan and Mihaela Sin (and with us) “F.R.I.E.N.D ”, theatre play about unfounded prejudices and how conflicts arise because of them.

Optional curricula with emphasis on diversity and inclusion

Activitati cu si Pentru Elevi

Each of the five partner schools in Ilfov County have developed a curriculum for an optional school subject, which they will implement in the next school year. These curricula aimed to develop inclusive practices, promote diversity, interculturality and civic involvement of young people, but also promote non-violence and gender equality among students.
