Răzvan Niculae, 33 years old, musician
My name is Răzvan Nicolae, I am 33 years old and I am a musician. I've always felt close to music, even as a child, I think it's due to my family because my father, as well as other relatives, are also musicians.
I started my career as a young man, when I was 14 years old after I finished the school in Tunari. From the very beginning I found this profession very beautiful, especially through the power to change a person's mood, which I also saw in my father when he sang at different events. However, the beginning of my career wasn't exactly easy, I was nervous like anyone before a show or I felt demoralized when I knew someone was "talking badly" of me. All these more difficult moments made me want to work harder, and over time I developed and gained practical experience. This summer I really enjoyed many events where I had the opportunity to perform with my band, even having to refuse some invitations because of my busy schedule. In the future I really want to develop professionally with my band and even record a few songs at the studio.
My advice for the young generation is to focus first on school and then to work as hard as possible for their passion, especially if it is related to the musical field. They will encounter some difficult moments or they will feel demoralized by what others may think of them , but the most important thing is that in that moment you remain focused to firstly prove to yourself, and then to others, that you are strong. I will never forget the words of my father, who told me never to quit and to continue working because that is the only way I will get what I aspire to in life.

Vasile Niculae, 22 years old, musician
I started playing the organ quite early, I think my family played a role in this regard because my father and my brother are also musicians. I'm now 22 years old, so I've gotten quite a lot of experience. My preparation also played an important role, until the eighth grade I went to the General School in Tunari and then I attended a private school to improve on this path.
The beginnings are always hard, and so it was for me. Many friends or acquaintances told me that I will not succeed or that I am not good for this field. This of course demoralized me initially, but after a while that motivated me to work harder, to prove to them the opposite. Such moments was happened even during my teenage years, at 15, when many changes occur anyway. Then, I began to "filter" my friends and take more care of my own entourage, only in this way I could surround myself with people who understand what my passions and goals are for the future. From that moment on I can say that I just evolved, I worked hard to become a better instrumentalist and I tried not to let myself down.
The secret of this field I think is passion, which automatically brings you determination, it is not exactly easy to always be persistent. These things also go as an advice to those who are now at the beginning of the road or who would like to try an instrument, not to give up, to be persistent in practicing daily and especially to choose their friends very well. At this moment I play in the band formed by my brother and in the future I really want to develop on this path, why not, maybe to find other passions that I could turn into a job. Maybe at the moment I'm not the best instrumentalist, but I'm definitely going to work until I get to the best version of myself.

Mihaela Nicolae, expert on Roma issues, expert pe problemele romilor
My name is Mihaela Nicolae, and I have been a local expert in Roma issues since 2011. Currently, I work at the Tunari City Hall and I deal with mediation and solving problems involving or being reported by the Roma community in the village. I think that I have always been passionate about this field, to guide other people in the Roma community, especially the Roma youth when it comes to education and training.
At first I worked as a school mediator at the school in Tunari, an experience that helped me a lot to train professionally. There I saw directly the problems faced by students coming from the Roma community. Segregation, reduced material possibilities and large distances between homes and schools are still among the real problems they face. Ever since then, as a school mediator, I have encouraged students to apply for distinct places for Roma in schools and I have campaigned for transport for students provided by the public authority. Thus, through these small forms of support, students were more likely to continue their educational path.
An important factor that influenced me to dedicate myself to this field was my father. He was vice-mayor in Tunari and I would always see doing field work to see the problems that members of our community in the village were encountering or how they were going straight to him when they had a difficulty. I followed these examples and in turn I often went in the field to see what could be done, what solutions can be implemented and how we can all develop in harmony. In the future, I really want to focus from my position on education. It is very important to train w young people in all fields, so a first step would be to organize qualification courses for the youth in the village.
One piece of advice I can give to all young people is to have strength of character and do not to let themselves be beaten. I also encountered different difficulties during my time, such as in university when some made negative comments about me just because I was of Roma ethnicity. In those moments I tried my best to stay strong and to see, first of all, my value, which I recommend to everyone. Last but not least, we each have an active role in our communities, that's why every action, no matter how small, can make a major change!