I do what I love, what I do, I do it right
Năstase Nicolae, 41 years old, image operator, cameraman
Immediately after I finished high school, in 1999, I got a job as an electrician in the Media PRO studios in Bucharest. Because I finished an electric profile, the only possibility was to get a job as an electrician. My dad has been pointing me in that direction ever since I was a high schooler, to choose to become an electrician. He said, "As long as a light bulb lights up in the house, you're going to have work. I don't know anywhere else where to guide you." And I went for this, plus at home, why should I say, I learned a few more things from him, and it was easy for me. But I felt like it wasn't exactly what I wanted.
After a year of work, I went to enroll at the Media University, picture profile, film cinematography. I did not enter at first, the seats had been filled and I chose to do the military service. As soon as I finished my term in the Military, I applied again to faculty and got accepted.
In my last year of college, I applied for the position of image operator, I got hired and still have this possition. I did not give up on my dream because I could not sign up before, as were the places occupied. I chose to do military service, and after enrolling in university again.
The first time I got on a television set I was nervous. I remember calling my dad to tell him to watch TV saying I was shooting those shots. I think if you do what you love, you have results and you go to work with love. You don't feel like you want to change your job.
To those at the beginning of the road I would tell them to follow their dream. It's important for them to do what they like, not to give up, to trust them, to be balanced, not to give in very quickly. Sometimes success can make you dependent on it. It's important for what you do, to have perseverance, trust, support by your own people, at home, by your parents, by friends, and to have a balance: don’t forget, if you go to work, that you have both family and friends, to give them time too.
My job brings me satisfaction. I do what I love, I get what I do. If I've been working for so long and I haven't given up, I'm thinking I'm doing it with pleasure. I haven't gotten to the point where I'm like, I'm tired, it's enough for me. Probably also because every day I meet other people, everything is different.

It matters a lot to know what we want
Ilie Elisabeta, 42 years old, psychologist / psychotherapist
In kindergarten, my first dream was to become a ballerina. Then, I was thinking about becoming a doctor, then, after meeting my teacher, I wanted to be like her, to leave an imprint in the upbringing and education of a child. Somehow, I started from the health area, the education area, then in high school I discovered the psychology teacher who managed to impress me. I was studying at an economics high school, in the city of Buftea, and she had a very pleasant presence at a situation that happened in our classroom and in which she was also targeted. I liked that she had a proper reaction in that conflict and without consequences for us, the students. And that's where the trigger was kind of, starting from the fact that I really wanted to help people feel good. At the same time, I wanted to teach people to do certain things and, in particular, children. And I decided: I'm going to go to psychology school.
As a psychologist, a psychotherapist, we have some of what the doctor does, which is part of contributing to the health of others, but at the same time we do this by learning together. Through this profession, I fulfilled my two main desires, regarding what I wanted to be. And if I had to start all over again, that's all I would choose. Not once, 100 times.
By the time I finished college, I started as a school psychologist, and it's not by chance that I started with that, because I really enjoy working with kids. Shortly after, I also made my own practice. Since 2011 I can say that I work exclusively on my own, without being employed at the same time. It was a start full of emotion and enthusiasm, at the same time, the satisfaction of the work can not be described in words, it is an effort for which it is worth every moment. It is indeed a profession in which we invest a lot from a personal point of view, but the moment we meet with the people we guide, from the smallest to the largest, the results of our work compensate and crown all this effort. fost un început plin de emoție și entuziasm, în același timp, satisfacția lucrului nu poate fi descrisă în cuvinte, este un efort pentru care merită fiecare clipă. Este într-adevăr o profesie în care investim foarte mult din punct de vedere personal, dar în momentul în care ne întâlnim cu oamenii pe care îi ghidăm, de la cei mai mici până la cei mai mari, rezultatele muncii noastre compensează și încununează tot acest efort.
At the moment, I believe that I have taken the road precisely by gathering my strengths and emotions to overcome those difficult moments, and some extremely difficult ones – also going through financial crises, which have unfolded throughout the periods of 2000, when I entered university.
It matters a lot to know what we want. Work is no longer work, it becomes something easy, easy to carry out, something that, when we are on vacation, after we have charged our batteries, we want to return to. And if we have that feeling of: I want to go back and do what I wanted to do – it's an achievement in this life. And I'm enjoying it.
One definition of success, in my opinion, is to make the most of the potential that I have. And each of us has a potential which is very high. The important thing is to know him and capitalize on it, after which, when I have harnessed my potential, from a personal and professional point of view, I can enjoy my life. Then I can say that I am a successful and happy woman.
It's very important that those who are now oriented towards their dream profession, get to know each other. It's important to know who I am, what professional interests I have, what skills I have, what I'm capable of doing, how I am as a personality structure, what my limits are. After I have this picture, which I can discover with the help of my parents, teachers, mentors around me, even with the help of a career counsellor, I can draw up a school trail. The part that weighs the most, is assuming this road. In life it is not always about comfort, it is about comfort, but also about results, in order to reach long-term comfort and results