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Putem mai mult împreună – Comunicat de încheiere a proiectului

În perioada ianuarie 2021 – februarie 2023, Fundația Agenția de Dezvoltare Comunitară „Împreună” alături de partenerii săi, anume Centrul Național de Cultură a Romilor Romano-Kher, Asociația Centrul Rromilor Amare Rromentza, Asociația Comunităților Marginalizate, Botoșani, Asociația Romilor din Făgăraș, Asociația DANROM…

Mini Roma Museum

On February 22nd, at the Technological High School "Nicolae Titulescu" (Însurăței) took place the inauguration of the "Mini Museum of Roma".

Virtual Museum of Roma Culture

On February 20th, we mark 167 years since the end of enslavement of Roma in Wallachia, a day that reminds us of the stories, most of the times untold or unknown, of our Roma ancestors who lived in slavery, an occasion that gathered us at Casa Oprescu in Bucharest, where the launch of the first Virtual Museum of Roma Culture took place.

Promoting successful models (Brăila)

Also in February, within the activity of promoting the stories written by our young women who participated in the vlogging and blogging workshop, we also arrived at the "Anton Pann" Secondary School in Braila, but also in the Roma community in the Lacul Dulce neighborhood.

Meetings with the youngsters (Brăila)

On February 16, we stopped at the "Nicolae Titulescu" Technological High School (Insurăței), at the Viziru Secondary School, but also in the Roma communities in the two localities, where we promoted the stories written by the young women who participated in the vlogging and blogging workshop.

Exchange of experience (Brăila)

Exchange of experience – experts and Roma leaders",Exchange of experience – experts and Roma leaders", attended by Roma experts and leaders from Buzău and Galați counties.During this meeting, two visits took place: one in the village of Însurăței and the other in Șuţeşti.
