My class outside the classroom

The "Împreună" Community Development Agency Foundation, in partnership with Conțești Secondary School, "Sfinții Voievozi" Secondary School Bragadiru and Pietroșani Secondary School, Teleorman County, implements, during the period 14.10.2022-30.09.2023, the project "My classroom outside the classroom", SMIS2014+:153504, Call Code: POCU/987/6/26/Composite operation O.S 6.3,O.S 6.6/26/Composite operation O.S 6.3,O.S 6.6.

Obiectivul principal al proiectului îl constituie reducerea părăsirii timpurii a școlii prin măsuri integrate de prevenire a fenomenului și de asigurare a oportunităților egale pentru 330 de elevi din mediul rural din 3 școli din județul Teleorman pe o perioadă de 12 luni.

Obiectivele specifice ale proiectului sunt:

  • Reducerea părăsirii timpurii a școlii prin dezvoltarea unei culturi școlare inclusive în fiecare dintre cele 3 școli, promovând dezvoltarea de activități non-formale și outdoor; 
  • Improving the competences of teaching staff through the participation of 38 teachers from 3 schools in an accredited training course on non-formal outdoor education.

The main results are expected from the implementation of the activities:

  • 330 rural pupils (including 140 Roma pupils) from Teleorman county, at risk, supported in their further education and transition to the next cycle through involvement in non-formal and out-door activities, participation in intercultural and self-esteem building activities, counselling and school guidance;
  • Increased skills in adapting educational content and practices to the students' needs, focusing on non-formal education in the outdoor system, among 38 teachers in three schools in Teleorman county.

Mai multe detalii despre proiect, misiunea și rezultatele acestuia regăsiți aici.

Publicat de:


November 29, 2022
