Training programme for Roma leaders
The purpose of the training program is to create a representative group of Roma experts and leaders who can act to protect the rights and identity of Roma, representing Roma communities in relation to local public authorities or other relevant public or private entities. This group of experts will become an engine for changing the discourse and approach of the Roma in relation to the majority. Moreover, at the end of the program they will be able to signal and monitor situations of discrimination on ethnic grounds and beyond.
The training program for Roma experts and leaders is addressed to a number of 24 Roma experts / leaders from the 12 communities and will be structured in four training modules. Each course will have 18 hours of teaching that will include both practice and theory.
The 2 training modules will have the following themes:
- Communication and Advocacy
- Participation and representation
By participating in this comprehensive training program, the 24 Roma leaders will gain improved skills and competencies to represent the Roma ethnic group and get involved in local decision-making.
Between the 15th and 19th of June 2022, the partners Center for Education and Human Rights and the Sastipen Organization conducted the courses addressed to local Roma experts and leaders in Constanța.
Therefor, the two courses were:
1. Participation and representation;
2. Communication and Advocacy.
In the course "Participation and representation", the participants learned what is the role of a local leader, how they should position themselves in the relationship between the LPA and the community, how to represent the locality at the local level, how important are the Local Initiative Groups for the community, how to manage a budget, what are the responsibilities of a local councilor, but also how the Local Council works and how decisions are made at local level.
On the other hand, during the course "Communication and Advocacy", the participants went through the principles of communicating the problems and needs of the community in the relationship with the local authorities, as well as the ways in which they can influence the decisions of the latter, regarding the application of social or human rights policies that take into account the Roma population.

More news about the project can be found in the news section here.