On August 31st, the closing conference of the project "Capacitating and Empowering of Roma through Lobby and Action" took place. At the end of the road, we leave with the thought that we managed to give a voice to the vulnerable groups from 12 interethnic rural communities from Brăila, Călărași and Constanța counties.
Together with the Sastipen Organization and the ACEDO Organization, our partners, during these months, we focused on:
. Creating and mobilizing of 12 interethnic groups of representation and action at the level of 12 rural communities over a period of 18 months. la nivelul a 12 comunități rurale pe o perioadă de 18 luni.
. Increasing the involvement of 660 people belonging to vulnerable groups (Roma and non-Roma) from 12 interethnic rural communities to the life of the community over a period of 18 months.
. Improving transparency and governance procedures at the level of 3 Roma organizations over a period of 13 months (Organizational development objective).
In short, busy months in which we discussed about Roma inclusion, identity and representation, about the needs of the community, how they can be prioritized by them, about local action plans supported in front of local public authorities, how they can take part in the development of the community, in the development of relations with local and county authorities and, especially, the work ... you.