This year we celebrate the International Roma Day Curcani, Chirnogi, Mânăstirea and Ulmeni in Călărași County.
Every year, on April 8th, we celebrate the International Roma Day, the day when we get closer to the Roma culture, the history and rights of Roma everywhere.
We celebrate April 8th because we want to promote diversity and inclusion, to get closer to the stories of the Roma among us, but also to raise awareness to the problems faced by the Roma community.

The initiative to mark the International Roma Day appeared in 1971, 51 years ago, on the occasion of the first International Congress of Roma everywhere, which took place in London. Also in 1971, the symbols of the Roma ethnicity were adopted, namely: the wheel with spokes "chakra" and the International Anthem of the Roma, "Gelem, gelem". Also, the international flag of the Roma was adopted, having the green bottom half, symbol of the verdant fields, the blue upper half, symbol of the clear sky, and in the middle the wheel, symbolizing both fate and traditional nomadism.
Also, at the beginning of the same year, several world congresses were held, which aimed to formalize the Romani language, raise awareness of the persecutions and abuses of Roma during the Holocaust during the Second World War, claim the civil rights of Roma or preserve the Roman culture and language. Since 2006, April 8th officially became the "Celebration of Roma ethnicity in Romania".
We hope that April 8th will be an opportunity to learn to live with support of each other, putting aside stereotypes and prejudices. We strongly believe in a world where we can live together, where we are no longer afraid to identify ourselves as a Roma, where stories bring us closer together and exercise our empathy. We hope that the International Roma Day will be an opportunity to learn to work, live, laugh, cry, live together #Together..
Happy 8th of April to Roma everywhere!