Today, the 30th of March 3, 2021, took place the launch event of the project "Capacitating and Empowering of Roma through Lobbying and Action*".

The discussion is centered on three main pillars, namely:
To what extent are Roma part of the local action plans/strategies developed by the LPAs?
Is the local education system inclusive for all of its students, implicitly also for Roma students?
What is the responsibility of the civil society in representing Roma at the local level?
The project "Capacitating and Empowering of Roma through Lobbying and Action” is going to be implemented during the period of 01.03.2021-31.08.2022 and aims to increase the capacity of vulnerable groups from 12 interethnic rural communities.
The two main objectives of the project are:
1. Creating and mobilizing 12 interethnic groups to represent and act in 12 rural communities over a period of 18 months;
2. Increasing the involvement in the community life of 660 people belonging to vulnerable groups (Roma and non-Roma) from 12 interethnic rural communities for a period of 18 months.
The expected results of the project foresees:
• Empowerming 12 Roma communities from 3 counties (Braila, Calarași and Constanța) through facilitation and community development;
• Capacitating 24 Roma experts and leaders at a national level to increase their involvement in decision-making targeting Roma communities and beyond;
• Training activities for teachers on Roma history.
You can find the entire discussion on the Facebook page dedicated to the project, here.

*Project carried out by the Foundation Agency “Împreună” in partnership with the Roma Center for Health Policies – SASTIPEN and the Association Center for Education and Human Rights – ACEDO with the financial support of Active Citizens Fund Romania , a program funded by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the EEA Grants 2014-2021. The aim of the project is to increase the empowerment of vulnerable groups from 12 interethnic rural communities in Braila, Calarași and Constanța counties.